Free Art Classes
RAD provides free art classes twice a month in partnership with the DSOSN. These classes offer individuals the ability to have social interaction in a fun way while bringing their creativity out in full swing. The best part is that this program is open to all individuals with no age restriction!

Adult Recreation Program
RAD’s community partnership with Las Vegas Parks and Recreation allows us to send adults with developmental disabilities to attend their NEW A.G.E. Recreation program where individuals make friends and learn independent skills. As a group they have cooking classes, ice cream parties, and bowling nights.

ABA Training
Through our community partners, RAD offers ABA training to families. These sessions teach parents skills to support raising a family member on the Spectrum. These sessions are not therapy, but rather education for the family.

Mobility Training
RTC Mobility training is a one-on-one or group training program to help persons with disabilities learn to use RTC fixed route transit services safely by developing skills and confidence needed to travel independently. RAD facilitates training workshops for individuals and groups including UNLV Focus Students at the start of each semester.

Annual 5k Fun Run/Walk
Every year we hold a 5k to raise awareness. This event brings the community together to share their support and meet other families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. We are blessed to be a part of the Las Vegas Autism community.

Family Workshops
RAD provides quarterly family workshops on a variety of topics. Topics of interest include: financial planning, guardianship, leisure activities, and alternative education.

Training Seminars
We offer families and community organizations training seminars on supporting children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In the past, we have worked with Shade Tree to assist them with their families on the Spectrum.

Free Play Events
RAD hosts sensory friendly free play experiences to encourage children on the spectrum to interact. Peer-play is important in building social skills. These events also provide a much-needed break to the parents.

Silent Auction Fundraiser
On the anniversary of RAD (April for Autism Awareness Month), we celebrate by hosting a dinner and silent auction fundraiser. We gather many of the community leaders and partners to join us for this event. Funds raised from this event assist in supporting our year-round programs.

Train Experience
In honor of Autism Awareness month in April, RAD annually hosts a sensory friendly train experience in conjunction with the Nevada State Railroad Museum and the Friends of Nevada Southern Railway. This event is free for children under 12. For this event, the Nevada Train Museum reserves a train car as a “quiet zone” on the regularly scheduled trains. They also run a special “Autism Only” train at the end of the day.